Urban Poor Can't Afford Distance Learning

In the Philippines, where the national poverty rate is as much as 21%, those who live in urban areas who live below or at the poverty line is actually closer to 50%.

As the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic continue to ravage the country, educational authorities can’t help but move classes to online or transition to ‘distance’ learning to minimize viral transmissions.

This in turn become severe burdens to the disadvantaged populations of the country.

The marginalized wage earner in urban cities in the Philippines only bring in on average $2/day, and their children ultimately suffer due to not being able to afford equipment or supplies associated with adhering to the distance learning initiatives.

As the need continues to grow, more and more school age children are reaching out to any all donors who would care and would step up.

One of the main goals of our foundation is to be able to bridge that gap provide opportunities for these marginalized children by way of equipment, e.g., whether new or used laptops/tablets, school supplies, and internet service; to ensure that these children won’t be left behind from realizing educational needs, which is their only way out of poverty.

Your generous donations enable these projects to continue and become huge Blessings for these children and their families.

Thank you.